Participant ID: 1051
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Avrumy and Devoiry Rosenberg

Goal Progress: 125%

Recent Donors

Avrumy and Devoiry
Akiva & Chana Rivka Flaum
Shloimy, Chani and kids
Shmilly & Tanya
60th street carnival
Ziedy and bubby Landau
Yossi, Esti and kids
Mordche Zev and Suri
Zeidy and Babby Rosenberg
Chaya Shaul
Devoiry Stern
Beilu Torn
Yocheved Klein
Nussy & Shoshi Rosenberg
Yiddy & Raizy Rosenberg
Usher zailig and malky
Chesky & Chaya T Elias
Chesky & Chaya T Elias
Avrumy Rosenberg
Totty n Mommy
Bonus regesh